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Mind-Brain Order and Disorder
Schizophrenia, Consciousness, Frontal Lobe:
Three Riddles − One Answer (Note)
Lars Martensson, M.D.
"I wish I could
have had the benefit of your illuminating
(because unifying) thoughts about schizophrenia
when I was a medical student in Leiden,
now fifty years
Walle J.H. Nauta, 1988.
of Conception
Images of Animals
Seeing Oneself
Loss of Reality, Loss of Insight
Achieving the Outside Viewpoint
Double I-You
"Lenses" of the Brain
Are Animals Conscious?
Loss of the Outside
Vicious Circle
The Frontal Lobe
Brain Areas Involved
The Brain's
Emancipation of i's
The problems I will address in this
essay are commonly characterized as riddles or mysteries.
The problem of the relation between
brain and mind was discussed at the conference "How the brain works"
at Harvard University in September 1988. According to the conference report in Nature,
David Hubel, nobel prize winning Harvard neuroscientist, declared a state of
ignorance: "If sensory pathways operate in parallel, how do they ever get
back together to form the integrated image of the visual world we see with the
minds eye? Closing his talk Hubel acknowledged that 'we don't have the slightest
idea"' (1).
Some years ago the question "What
is schizophrenia?" was put to twelve leading experts by Schizophrenia
Bulletin, a journal published by the National Institute of Mental Health.
The answers expressed ignorance in words that were sometimes as blunt as those
Hubel used about the brain/mind problem. William Carpenter: "The question
begs for a simple 'I don't know' answer"
Manfred Bleuler: "For
nearly 100 years ... intensively studied, yet ... totally baffling .... A
shocking antithesis!" (3).
In a similar vein, a conference on schizophrenia
research concluded, according to a report in Science, that an
"overwhelming problem is the lack of a comprehensive theory" (4).
If schizophrenia is due to a failure of
the mind integrating mechanism of the brain it will, of course, remain a riddle
as long as "we don't have the slightest idea" about that mechanism.
Accordingly, the two problems "How is mind generated from brain?" and
"What is schizophrenia?" may have a common solution. The purpose of
this essay is to pursue such a solution.
It is a paradox that medical science
understands the animal functions of homo sapiens, while the function that
characterizes our species, the mind, is not understood. Progress in
understanding of how the human organism works has usually been achieved through
investigation of its malfunctions. So, trying to understand the human mind as a
brain function through study of its disintegration in schizophrenia represents
the classical method of medical science.
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Origin of
I am a physician, but not a
psychiatrist. The work that led to the ideas described in this essay began in
1977 when I became deeply involved with "Anna," a seriously
schizophrenic woman of 21.
Appalled by the mental devastation she
suffered from neuroleptic drugs − the current standard treatment in
schizophrenia − Anna and I decided that she must not use any such drugs. After
a few years of hard joint work she had overcome her schizophrenia, and today she
is a free and creative person and a good mother. Thus her life defies the
pessimistic psychiatric prognosis ten years ago. Our decision to try a human,
rather than a medical route to health was vindicated.
During the hard years I intently
observed and tried to understand what determined health or psychosis, wholeness
of mind or chaos. I saw that when I gained access to the inner world of Anna,
when we met there (Fig. 1), psychotic symptoms vanished, and she turned into the
warm, intelligent person I loved. And for that to happen I found that I needed a
pure heart more than cleverness.
Fig. 1. I and You together in a shared World, a consensual reality.
In mutual empathy
each person takes the "attitude of the other." This situation internalized may
constitute human consciousness, which involves seeing oneself from the outside
and double I-You vision.
These experiences were the actual
origin of the concept of the I(nner You). When Anna dared to abandon her autism
and mental withdrawal by meeting me, by identifying with me − which required,
of course, that I identified with her and had attitudes she would adopt − she
seemed to gain an outside perspective of herself that recreated her mental
wholeness. Years later she remarked: "It was through you that I got my
An important reason why I use the term
the Inner You for the attitude achieved through empathic identification with
another person, is that the term is therapeutic. I have found that it makes
sense to people with schizophrenia, and empowers them: they can use the concept
to understand why they break down and to find a constructive way out of their
illness (See Overcoming
Psychosis). It also encourages the people about them to view schizophrenia as a
human problem with a human solution. Martin Buber taught that the I-You attitude
of mutuality precedes and makes the I-experience possible
In another essay I will illustrate the
therapeutic use of these ideas. What follows here, however, is a theoretical
treatment. As an orientation, please, let me begin with a simple formulation:
The frontal lobe of the brain acts like
a lens projecting brain as mind that governs brain. When the lens-like frontal
function fails, as in schizophrenia, the mind disintegrates.
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Images of Animals
consider an example of intentional, image-guided behavior in an animal, a monkey
solving a "delayed response task" (Fig. 2): 1. The monkey watches as a
reward, such as a peanut, is placed in one of two wells, both of which are then
covered with identical cardboard plaques. 2. A screen hides the wells for a
certain time, the delay. 3. After the delay a normal monkey may unfailingly pick
the correct well. A monkey with a damaged frontal lobe, on the other hand, is
liable to choose randomly; it appears to be ignorant of where the reward was
(SEE Note 6).
Solving the task depends, in our
interpretation, on the ability to form an image of the scene and retain it
during the delay; and such image-making is destroyed when the frontal lobe is
consider the "structure of consciousness" proposed by Michael Polanyi
over twenty years ago. Consciousness, he said, has the logical structure of
"tacit knowing": tacit clues are integrated to a whole in the focus of
attention. The focal image is the joint meaning of neural processes serving as
its clues (7). We may think of the brain as containing lenses that project brain
processes in the form of virtual images, the images of the mind.
The normal monkey, in our
interpretation, was able to find the peanut, because it had formed an image of
the scene, while the monkey with frontal damage was unable to find the peanut,
because it could not form the required image; destroying the frontal lobe means
destroying the lenses of the brain.
The image of wells with peanut was
formed from a viewpoint behind the eyes of the animal. The mental images of
animals may be mostly such views from the inside, -views that do not include the
animal itself. The animal looks out upon the world, but it does not see itself.
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Man alone may take the leap to an
outside viewpoint, a point from which he himself appears in view. And that may
be a quantum leap in evolution, a setting of the stage for human individuation.
For seeing oneself makes possible a conscious distinction of Self from World,
without which human personhood and human culture could not develop.
Seeing oneself and distinguishing Self
from World leads to the recognition of an inner world apart from the outer
world. On that basis the individual may develop the ability to distinguish
thoughts from perceptions and possibility from reality. To an animal, not
knowing these distinctions, the world is simply what it seems to be. Man alone
may be able to question his images.
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We are now in a position to explain
hallucinations. Hallucinations, "hearing voices," are a cardinal
symptom of schizophrenia, much described and studied, yet unexplained.
Consider a human individual who early
in life learnt to take an outside viewpoint and thus learnt to distinguish the
inner from the outer world, thoughts from perceptions, etc., and went on to
develop a mind based on this distinction. If, later in life, the
individual loses the outside viewpoint, the inner and the outer world will fuse,
i.e., the distinction of thoughts from perceptions will vanish. Thoughts will be
mistaken as perceptions: they will be heard as voices. Thus, hallucinations are a
logical consequence when the distinction of inner from outer world is not
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Loss of
Reality, Loss of Insight
When the outer world fuses with the
inner world nothing appears as it used to. Primary delusions may arise when an
idea that happens to occur is immediately taken for a fact (an extreme form of
jumping to a conclusion). So, both hallucinations and primary delusions may be
due to a mistaking of inner for outer.
Mistakes in the opposite direction
explain other aspects of psychotic experience. When the outer world is no longer
distinct from the inner world, reality seems dreamlike: At early stages, a
feeling of unreality (derealization), in the end, a loss of reality. In extreme
psychosis, as in mystical experience, Self and World become one.
The inner world created by the view
from the outside is also the space of reflection and insight, the mindspace in
which we do our thought experiments. As it is lost, the critical attitude, the
ability to question immediate appearances, is lost. Mistaken notions −
delusions, hallucinations, illusions − cannot be reflected on and corrected.
Thus there is a loss of insight.
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Achieving the Outside Viewpoint
A baby meets mothers eyes and the two
smile together. The baby sees itself in the world through the mother.
Through such mutual I-You empathy the individual may learn to see itself in the
world from an outside viewpoint (Fig. 1). "The self comes into being the
moment it has the power to reflect itself," declared Douglas R. Hofstadter (8).
Initially the child may need the (m)other,
an external You, in order to maintain a perspective from outside its own head.
Later it may adopt the viewpoint of the You by itself. It acquires, we might
say, an Inner You.
The Inner You means seeing oneself even
when alone. Thus, as we saw, an inner world separate from the outside world is
created, and on that basis the development of a human mind may proceed. The
Inner You becomes the I, the One who sees, the subject whose vision creates the
inner world. In other words, the I generates the images of the human mind.
Compared with the "lenses"
postulated above to account for the images of animals, the I is a more advanced
lens. The I is a specifically human lens, that generates more comprehensive
images, images from an outside viewpoint (9).
If the lenses of the monkey are
functions of the frontal lobe, and if the I is a developed version of such
animal lenses, the I, as well, may be a frontal function (Fig. 3). As we shall
see (under The frontal lobe) that conclusion is supported also by other
lines of evidence.
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Double I-You Vision
When a child acquires an I(nner You),
it means, first, that the child begins to see itself; it is no longer
only looking out upon the world like a monkey. Secondly, it means that
the child begins to contrast its own spontaneous views with the possible views
of the You; it has double I-You vision, not just single vision like a
The creation of a separate inner world
by the I(nner You) can thus be understood in more than one way: 1. Seeing from
outside one's head brings the Self as an entity in view. 2. Knowing other
perspectives (views of Yous) generating different gestalts makes the individual
aware of himself as a subject with a unique inner world.
Double I-You vision may be the basis of
the ability to entertain alternative interpretations of a situation (note that
the view of the You is actually an indeterminate range of possible views and
views of views), and of the development of conversational ability and discursive
thought (inner dialogue may require an alternation of viewpoints that humans,
with double I-You vision, but not animals with single vision, are capable of).
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"Lenses" of the Brain
Our language of consciousness is often
a language of visual metaphors. The inner world is described in terms of the
outer world as perceived by the eye. We say "I see" when we mean that
we understand, and we speak of the "mind's eye" to refer to the
lens-like function of the I.
Similarly, the term image in this paper
is to be understood metaphorically; it refers to conceptions of any and all
modes: auditory, visual, spatial, logical. So when we say that the I generates
an image of Self in World, we mean a concept of Self in World.
Furthermore, the lenses of the brain
are not passive like lenses of glass. They are active agents that create images,
or representations of a situation, to serve some goal. For example, the image
that the monkey formed served the goal of finding the peanut.
The lenses integrate not only images,
but something we may call intentional brain dynamisms, dynamisms with
executive as well as representational aspects, dynamisms of action and
imagination (Fig. 4). So the "lenses" may be more appropriately
referred to as intentional integrators. The I is the top intentional
integrator of the human brain.
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Are Animals
The word consciousness refers to the
mind's knowledge of itself. Since introspection and a self-reflection
encompassing one's own person apparently requires an outside viewpoint − an I
− we may ask whether the intentional, image-guided behavior of, say, a monkey
solving a delay task, is evidence of consciousness.
"A representation has
(intentional) content only relative to a processor, which is able to
interpret it, operate on it and transform its content into ... behavior"
.... "Subpersonal symbol processors" that direct behavior on the basis
of images, possess "reflexive meta-psychological information," and are
therefore "self-conscious," argued Robert van Gulick recently (10). Van
Gulick's argument implies consciousness in the monkey, but only consciousness
("self-consciousness") on a subpersonal level.
Accordingly, the integrators of
image-guided behavior in animals may operate from subpersonal, internal
vantage points, points from which the self as a whole cannot be apprehended.
After the I evolves subpersonal integrators may organize intentional dynamisms
of which the I is unconscious. The Unconscious may thus be partly constituted by
image-creating, semiautonomous integrators or agents with views more limited
than that of the I.
We may now see the frontal lobe of the
human brain as housing a hierarchy of integrators: the I organizing the
Conscious together with lower level integrators of the Unconscious; a capital I
and a host of minor, subordinate i's. Since the unconscious i's, as well as the
I, are shaped and developed through human interactions, a human being may have,
besides i's with internal, animal vantage points, also i's with external, social
vantage points. As will become clearer below, the I-dynamism encompasses i-dynamisms;
therefore I-activity necessarily involves i-activity.
Different terms used in this essay for
the I and the i's are: lenses, integrators, agents, (in the quote from Van
Gulick) processors, and (further below) integrating foci. Animals have i's, but
they have nothing like the elaborate, socially trained hierarchy of intentional
integrating functions (of i's under the I) that human beings have. Animals have
i's, but nothing like the human I-dynamism.
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Loss of the
Outside Viewpoint
We saw that a child may achieve the
outside viewpoint through empathic identification with (m)other. If the
differentiation of the human mind is thus based on self-reflection through
empathy with the views of others, leading to the establishment of an Inner You),
the mental disintegration of schizophrenia may be due to a reversal of the same
process, leading to a loss of the Inner You).
Emil Kraepelin, who at the turn of the
century conceived of schizophrenia as a separate disease, that he named dementia
praecox, is reported to have said, during a clinical demonstration of a
patient: "Da ist ein Ich einfach nicht mehr da" (There is simply no I
there) (11).
A loss of the capacity for empathic
relationships is characteristic of schizophrenia, and the experience of a lack
of personal rapport with the patient, called the praecox feeling, is said
to be a reliable criterion of schizophrenia (12). Typically a schizophrenic
person, particularly in the early phases of the illness, refuses human
relatedness. Eye contact is avoided. Closeness is a threat.
The trust needed for human interaction
is absent in schizophrenia, as it is also absent in infantile autism. Autism may
be due to the child's failure in establishing an outside view, the view of the
You, through empathy with (m)other, early in life. Schizophrenia may be due to a
loss of the outside view, a failure of the I(nner You), later on in life
(SEE Note 13).
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But why would a person avoid the human
interactions he needs to maintain and develop the I? Answer: Interaction
activates the whole I brain dynamism; it activates I-consciousness (personal
self-consciousness). And a person who has suffered a mental breakdown, because
he felt he had an "impossible life to live" (an impossible Self in
World), may be afraid to go on living that life. A life under the threat of
mental breakdown is, of course, a life of great anxiety.
Such a person may resort to an
unwitting all-out defense against anxiety and the life he knows. The avoidance
of human interaction may thus be an aspect of a defense against activation of
the I. When human closeness begins to bring the I dynamism to life, a withdrawal
reaction − like a pain reflex − may be triggered, because the I dynamism is
overloaded with apprehension and anxiety.
This is is not a "defense of the
ego" against particular threatening insights. Rather, it is a defense against
"the ego," against consciousness, against insight in general. When
the mind fights itself in this way life becomes more and more confusing and
difficult, which reinforces the withdrawal
(SEE Note 14).
A vicious circle arises that may
explain the "schizophrenic process of deterioration," the
deterioration reflected in Kraepelin's name of the disease, dementia praecox
(SEE Note 15.)
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The Frontal Lobe
The frontal lobe (SEE Note 16
has increased
rapidly in size during human evolution and comprises about 1/4 of the cortex in
man (Fig. 3). Two relatively old papers, one by Walle J. H. Nauta, and one by Aleksandr R.
Luria, remain among the most enlightening discussions of the frontal lobe
available even today.
Fig. 3. The human brain seen from the left.
The cortex is divided into four lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal.
The I is primarily a function of the left frontal lobe. The posterior part of
the frontal lobe is the premotor and motor cortex (shaded). The larger anterior
part is the prefrontal cortex. The term frontal lobe in this paper means the
prefrontal cortex only. Broca's language area (B) is one of the areas along the
border between (pre)frontal and motor cortex through which the I may execute
motor actions.
Nauta's paper, "The Frontal Lobe:
A Reinterpretation," (17) describes the anatomy of frontal lobe connections
and their functional implications. The frontal lobe is at the top of the
functional hierarchies of the brain with direct connections to
visceral-emotional (L), motor executive (M), and perceptual (TPO) brain areas
(Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Brain areas involved in intentional dynamisms.
Intentional dynamisms involve
many, if not all, regions of the brain. F, is
the frontal, M, the motor-premotor, TPO, the temporo-parieto-occipital, and L,
the limbic region, each of which has both cortical and subcortical components. D
represents nerve fibers from the brain stem that release dopamine in F and L
(Dopamine energizes the mind-brain. The dopamine effect is blocked by
neuroleptic drugs and enhanced by amphetamine and cocaine). The cortical parts
of F, M, and TPO are visible on the lateral surface of the brain, in Fig. 3,
while L and D, are hidden from view in Fig. 3
F integrates the intentional dynamisms and projects them as mind. The
dynamisms have perceptual aspects through TPO (areas processing sensory data),
executive and attitudinal aspects through M (areas organizing motor behavior),
emotional aspects through L (the "visceral brain"), and
cognitive-affective aspects, that depend on the dynamism as an intentional
whole, through F.
The scheme depicted holds for mammalian brains in general. But the human
brain is characterized by especially elaborate frontal integrating functions
with a superordinate function, referred to as the I, that develops when the
individual learns to adopt an outside intentional vantage point.
Luria 's paper, "The Origin and
Cerebral Organization of Man's Conscious Action," (18) emphasizes the
"decisive role played by the frontal lobe in the control of conscious
behaviour," and that the roots of such behaviour do "not lie in the
depths of the organism," but are social in origin: "The child's
conscious action is originally divided between two persons: it starts
with the mother's command and ends with the child's movement."
As we noted above, the fact that the I
appears to develop from animal integrators of the frontal lobe suggests that the
I, too, is a frontal function. And since schizophrenia is conceived as a failure
of the I it may be seen as a frontal lobe disease. Moreover, since the Conscious
is known to be most emphatically developed with language in the left hemisphere
the I may be primarily a left frontal function; and schizophrenia, a left
frontal disease.
Various additional lines of evidence
also implicate the frontal lobe in schizophrenia:
1. If a person's I fails, so that he
loses the power of seeing himself and his situation, we might expect him to show
stereotypical and perseverative behavior (getting stuck in action patterns from
which the victim cannot escape, because of an inability to see the overall
pattern). In fact, perseverations and stereotypies are typical symptoms of both
frontal lobe damage and of schizophrenia.
2. The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test,
which demands shifts in response strategy on the basis of insight, is sensitive
to frontal lobe damage (19). While a delay task, such as the one described above,
may test the ability to form and retain a simple image, the card sorting task
may test higher, I-dependent forms of imagination. In a recent study chronic
schizophrenic patients doing the card test not only performed poorly, but also
lacked the ability of normal persons to activate a dorsolateral frontal area, as
measured by an increase in the blood flow (20).
3. Treatment of schizophrenia by drugs
or surgery is aimed at the frontal lobe or its close allies in the brain.
Neuroleptic drugs block the effects of brain dopamine, which is important for
mental motivation (Fig. 4). Accordingly, the "anti-psychotic effect"
of the drugs may be due to a reduction of the motivational energy that drives
the disordered intentional dynamisms in schizophrenia. "Lobotomy," the
cutting of frontal connections, also has an "anti-psychotic" effect.
The effect of the surgery, as well as the effect of the drugs, may reflect a
reduction or abolishment, rather than a restoration, of disordered frontal brain
A real cure of schizophrenia would, on
the present hypothesis, require a restoration of the top frontal integrator, the
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The observation that temporal lobe
epilepsy, characterized by psychic seizures, sometimes is complicated by
schizophrenia has led to the suggestion that schizophrenia, in general, may be
due to a disorder of the temporal lobe. However, in most schizophrenic persons
there is no evidence of temporal disorder. Presumably temporal lobe malfunctions
(in particular, epileptic experiences of altered perception) are among the many
factors in the brains and in the lives of people that may cause or contribute to
a failure of the frontal I-function.
In a classical study by Wilder Penfield
and Phanor Perot,
electrical stimulation of the temporal lobe (during brain
surgery with the patient awake) was found to induce vivid perceptions (21). These
perceptions were not, however, taken as real. Why? Because there was nothing
wrong with the I: the patients were maintaining a separate inner space of the
mind and had insight; therefore they were not deceived by the perceptual
character of the electrically induced experiences. Similarly, most individuals
with temporal lobe epilepsy are not fooled by their altered perceptions; only if
the frontal I-function fails does a person "lose his mind."
An intentional brain dynamism
whether a relatively simple one, such as the one enabling the monkey to find the
peanut, or the most highly complex one,
the I-dynamism of a human person,
comprising a huge number of subdynamisms − always involves many brain areas, if
not all the brain (Fig. 4). For example, motor action patterns are elaborated
and stored in motor and premotor cortex (M); perceptual data, in temporal,
parietal, and occipital cortex (TPO); while basic emotional motivations (sex,
aggression, hunger, fear) and visceral feedback, essential in all intentional
activity, depend on the limbic areas (L).
A central idea of this paper is that
activity in wide arrays of brain areas is organized ("focused") into
intentional dynamisms − coherent wholes of imagination, action, and emotion − by
frontal integrators ("lenses"). Polanyi's "structure of
consciousness" (7) is thus mapped on the brain.
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The Brain's Interpreter
Since the I projects, or reflects,
brain activity as meaningful images, it may be called the brain's interpreter.
The I projects brain as mind that governs brain. In other words, the I, as a
lens-like frontal function, creates coherent wholes of brain activity which
exercise superordinate control of behavior and which are, at the same time, the
neurophysiological substrate of our conscious experiences
(SEE Note 22
The brain interpreting - mind integrating
function of the I may be characterized as self-empathy.
Accordingly, self-empathy may be understood as brain self-projection, or
As we all know, empathy with another
person involves not only "seeing" as through his I, but also a sharing
of emotions and visceral reactions and of attitudes and preparedness for action.
It involves experiencing all aspects of the intentional dynamisms at play in the
other person. It is a sharing, not only of "viewpoints," but of
intentional vantage points, − a whole brain response, involving F, L, D, M, and TPO (Fig. 4).
Self-empathy is a similar response to
oneself. The I(nner You) represents a vantage point from which one's own person
as a thinking-feeling-perceiving-acting whole can be apprehended and governed.
So, meaning is created and experienced through empathy with self and others.
"There is not good or evil, just
mechanisms," said Anna. A friend of hers, a fellow patient, explained:
"She means she might as well kill herself." When self-empathy fails,
life assumes a desolate "AS IF" quality. Such a life, without feelings
and values, means indifference coupled with despair − despair to be, to feel −
which explains schizophrenic acts of violence, such as self-cutting and
self-mutilation. The loss of empathy in schizophrenia is, not only a loss of
empathy with others, but most importantly, a loss of empathy with oneself.
In sum, schizophrenia results when the
frontal I, developed through human Interactions, fails as Integrator of Images
(concepts) that express and serve the Intentions of the whole Individual; when
it fails as Interpreter of the brain.
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Emancipation of i's
When the I is failing, lower level
integrators, i's, normally subservient to the I, may emerge to form more
independent intentional dynamisms. Such emancipating dynamisms taking personlike
forms may compete for the control of behavior, both with each other and with the
failing I-dynamism. The drawing Hallucinations
(Fig. 5) by Anna, when she
was in a schizophrenic state, illustrates such a situation, in which the person
is harassed by a host of demons.

Fig. 5. Hallucinations.
Drawing by Anna while in a schizophrenic state shows
a beginning disintegration of the person (the I-dynamism), and the emergence of
alien persons (emancipating i-dynamisms). These fragments of alien persons may
be heard as hallucinations. They may also succeed in taking control of behavior
and do or say things the person cannot anticipate or understand.
For a larger, clearer
version of the drawing CLICK HERE. (you may then also
press F11).
The fragments of persons emerging may
not only be heard as voices. They may also speak out. Anna once said: "Its
awful when the Voices steal my speech organ."
This experience may occur when minor
i's grow able to bypass the I to talk through Broca's language area (Fig. 3).
Normally all expression through the motor executive areas of the brain is, if
not controlled, at least sanctioned by the I. When the I is failing, however,
i's may surprise the patient with speech (heard or uttered), as well as with
non-verbal actions. Such actions are often accompanied by hallucinations and
were characterized by one patient as "impulses with words."
Through our dreams we all know the
behavior of emancipated i-dynamisms. In dream-sleep the mind-brain is active
while the I is asleep. When the I wakes up it may catch the i's in the act, and
get a glimpse of what i's do when left alone; of what a psychosis might be like.
Upon waking, reverberating dream-sleep brain activity interpreted by the I
becomes a dream.
Multiple personalities (23)
may be
understood as switching between different I-dynamisms. In other words, the
reigning capital I is dethroned now and then to be replaced by an alternate I.
Typically, the switch is complete, so that one or another of the alternate I's
is in full control at any time
(SEE Note 24).In schizophrenia, by contrast, the failing I
is vying for control with i's growing I-like to generate person-like dynamisms
(Fig. 5).
These perturbations of consciousness
may reflect the dynamic, creative nature of the mind-brain: a tendency to
disorder against a tendency to generate intentional dynamisms, ordered into a
hierarchy as a single unified person under the I.
When we speak of the frontal
integrating functions as a hierarchy of integrators, our language should not
mislead us into thinking that the integrators necessarily exist apart from the
dynamisms they generate, or that they are constant and discrete. Rather, they
may be like integrating foci arising, fusing, vanishing, and the mind-brain as a
whole may be like a stream in which intentional whirls, and complexes of whirls
within whirls, arise and disappear.
The I is a highly complex, variable
integrating function (discontinuous in a multiple person, but in a normal
person, smoothly and continuously variable). In a non-psychotic person the
I-dynamism, as it varies, remains closed, like a big whirl enclosing all other
whirls. But when the I-dynamism breaks in psychosis, i-dynamisms are freed to
whirl apart, and form more or less separate intentional dynamisms. In this way
the unity of the human person is lost.
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- "Who Knows How the Brain Works?" Nature, Vol.
335 (October 6, 2021) pp. 489-491.
- Reply to Rifkin, Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 10, No. 3
(1984) pp. 369-370.
- "What Is Schizophrenia?" Schizophrenia
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- C. Holden, "A Top Priority at NIMH," Science,
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- I and Thou (Scribner's, 1970; German original 1923).
- P. S. Goldman-Rakic, "Development of Cortical Circuitry and Cognitive
Function," Child Development, Vol. 58 (June, 1987) pp. 601-622.
Goldman-Rakic concludes that the delayed response test measures the
"emergence of representational memory ... the capacity to form
representations of the outside world and to base responses on those
representations in the absence of the objects they represent."
- "The Structure of Consciousness," Brain, Vol.
88 (1965) pp. 799-810.
- Gödel, Escher, Bach (Basic Books, 1979) p. 709.
- The I conceived here is not the old "ego,"
and should not be uncritically associated with the connotations of that
- A Functionalist Plea for Self-consciousness," The
Philosophical Review, Vol. XCVII, No. 2 (April, 1988) pp. 149-181.
- E. Harms, "Emil Kraepelin's Dementia Praecox
Concept," in E. Kraepelin, Dementia Praecox (Krieger, 1971; German
original 1913) pp. VII-XIX.
- M. A. Schwartz, and O. P. Wiggins, "Typifications:
The First Step for Clinical Diagnosis in Psychiatry," The Journal of
Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 175, No. 2 (1987) pp. 65-77.
- Schizophrenia occurs most often in youth. Why at this age? Why not in childhood?
Consider "childhood innocence":
freedom from ultimate concerns and final responsibility;
the world order, the perspectives adopted from others are taken for granted. And
consider youth: The time to become
your own person, the time for challenging childhood views, the time for
appropriating the I(nner You). The
child, one might say, has an I(nner You), but not yet an I that is really its own.
These considerations suggest that a critical final stage in the
ontogenetic development of the I-function may be due to occur, and may
explain the peak incidence of schizophrenia, in the years of youth.
- When this indiscriminate defense operates in a relatively pure form the
result may be paradigmatic schizophrenia, recognized clinically as disorganized
(hebephrenic) schizophrenia.
When other defenses and restitutive efforts play a
larger role other clinical pictures may arise.
For example, in catatonic
schizophrenia "freezing," unwittingly "playing dead," may
serve to prevent mad interactions. After a period of mutism, a catatonic
symptom, Anna said: "Considering how crazy I was it was fortunate I didn't
All kinds of psychosis, not only schizophrenia, involve a breakdown of
the I-dynamism, with loss (more or less) of the distinction between Self
and World and a loss of insight.
In nonschizophrenic psychoses the tendency to empathic identification and self-reflection is present to heal the mind
whenever the influence causing mental disorder abates.
Schizophrenia, by
contrast, in our view, is characterized by a defense against that very tendency.
In schizophrenia the mind turns against its potential for relatedness; it fights its top integrating function, the I(nner You).
That may explain why the
prognosis in schizophrenia is, in general, worse than in other kinds of
functional psychosis.
However, any psychosis may lead to such a loss of faith
and trust that the person resorts to the schizophrenic defense. Then the vicious
circle and the diagnosis of schizophrenia take over.
- In the present essay, as often in the literature,
the term frontal lobe means the prefrontal cortex only (Fig. 3).
Since frontal functions depend specifically on certain parts of the basal ganglia and of the thalamus, these
subcortical components are included under the
term the (pre)frontal system.
So, when we speak of functions of the frontal lobe, it should be kept in mind
that we may really be speaking of (pre)frontal system functions.
- Journal of Psychiatric Research, Vol. 8 (1971) pp.
167-187. See also W. J. H Nauta and M. Feirtag, Fundamental Neuroanatomy
(Freeman, 1986).
- In XIX International Congress of Psychology (British
Psychological Society, 1971) pp. 37-52. See also A. R. Luria, The Working
Brain (Penguin, 1973).
- B. Milner and M. Petrides, "Behavioral Effects of
Frontal Lobe Lesions in Man," Trends in NeuroSciences, Vol. 7
(November, 1984) pp. 403-407.
- D. R. Weinberger, K. F. Berman and R. F. Zec,
"Physiologic Dysfunction of Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in
Schizophrenia," Archives of General Psychiatry, Vol. 43 (1986) pp.
- The Brain's Record of Auditory and Visual
Experience," Brain, Vol. 86, Part 4 (December, 1963) pp. 595-696.
In a series of papers Roger W. Sperry has argued that consciousness,
interpreted as a dynamic, emergent, holistic property of cerebral activity,
exercises superordinate causal control in the brain. See "A modified
concept of consciousness," Psychological Review, Vol. 76, No. 6 (1969) pp.
532-536; and remarks under "Progress on Mind-
Brain Problem" in Sperry's Nobel Prize lecture "Some Effects of
Disconnecting the Cerebral Hemispheres," Science, Vol. 217 (September 24,
1982) pp. 1223-1226.
− for example, M. S. Gazzaniga and J. E. LeDoux, The Integrated Mind (Plenum 1978) p. 141
− have pointed out that Sperry's viewpoints do not mean insight
into the mechanism, the "how" of consciousness.
The present essay may
be seen as an attempt to give more concrete form to Sperry's suggestions.
- P. M. Coons, E. S. Bowman and V. Milstein,
"Multiple Personality Disorder: A Clinical Investigation of 50
Cases," The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 176, No. 9
(1988) pp. 519-527.
- Auditory hallucinations are common in multiple personalities. Since these
hallucinations often emanate from alternate persons they − like the
voices in schizophrenia − may be seen as expressions of
unconscious intentional dynamisms that insist on autonomy.
Hallucinations of
multiple personalities are experienced, however, as "inner voices."
They are not taken as real. Since the I-dynamism reigning at any time in a
multiple personality is whole and closed (not broken as in schizophrenia − cf. Fig.4. Hallucinations) the
distinction between Self and World and the critical attitude are preserved. Therefore the person can tell that the voices are of the mind and not of the
Table of Contents)
© 1989: Lars Martensson. All rights to reprint and use this paper are reserved
by the author.