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Patients not on drugs | Patients on drugs | |
Favourable emotional situation | 15% | 12% |
Unfavourable situation | 92% | 53% |
Patients on drugs in a 'bad' environment relapsed more than three times as often
as patients not on drugs in a 'good' environment (53% versus 15%). In the
'good' environment, drugs seemed to make no difference for risk of relapse.
Such studies suggest that what schizophrenic patients need is not brain
damaging neuroleptic drugs but a life situation in which they can survive and
B. The Soteria project in San Francisco
Soteria house was a home-like residence in the San Francisco area. The staff
consisted of non-professional therapists. There was room for six patients at a
time. Young, newly schizophrenic persons were admitted to Soteria and they
stayed about five months.
Afterwards the Soteria patients were compared with similar patients admitted to
a regular psychiatric clinic. The latter received neuroleptic drugs as usual.
The Soteria patients received no or little drugs (Figure 1).
Figure 1: The Soteria study. Survival rate for Soteria and for control subjects.
Example: after 12 months the survival rate for the Soteria group is 0.7, which
means that 70% of the patients in this group have not relapsed. (From Matthews
et al. 1979) |
After two years, the Soteria patients were equal or superior to the control
patients by all psychiatric measures. Our Figure 1 is taken from a paper by
Matthews et al. (1979) (3), A Non-Neuroleptic Treatment of Schizophrenia:
Analysis of the Two-Year Postdischarge Risk of Relapse. It shows that the Soteria subjects relapsed less often. For example, after twelve months about 60%
of the control subjects had relapsed but only about 30% of the Soteria subjects
had done so (Figure 1).
C. The Säter project in Sweden
In the early seventies, Barbro Sandin who was then a woman in her early forties,
a mother and a housewife, came to the Säter hospital as a temporary employee.
She was touched by a withdrawn, apathetic, drugged young schizophrenic man, whom
she took into her home. Over the years the man recovered and returned to life.
Barbro Sandin was put in charge of a very small experimental ward where she and
a small staff since 1973 have received and cared for a number of young
schizophrenic men, mostly without drugs.
In 1980, fourteen schizophrenic patients, who started psychotherapy with Sandin
in 1973-75, were compared with a similar number of matched control patients, who
had been admitted to other wards of the Säter hospital (Sjöström 1982). (4)
Sandin's patients were better by all measures. Our Figure 2 shows average time
in hospital for the two groups of patients. In the year 1980, the average
control patient spent over five months in hospital, while the average for
Sandin's patients was one month. (Figure 2).
Figure 2: The Säter study. Average time in hospital per patient for each year, 1973-1982. The filled circles represent Sandin's patients, the empty circles the control patients. There were 12-14 patients in each of the two groups (From Sjöström 1982). |
Figure 2 also shows that the non-drug patients required more care and attention
during the first 2-3 years. In other words the data confirm the thousands of
psychiatric studies that show neuroleptic drugs to be effective in reducing
psychotic symptoms and in preventing hospitalization. After the first 2-3 years,
the drug patients kept deteriorating, while the non-drug patients improved.
Correlation between "improvement" and long term deterioration.
– Neuroleptic drugs do make people quiet and apathetic and therefore reduce the
short term risk of psychiatric hospitalization. When such quiet and indifferent
persons are called "improved", because they have have fewer symptoms, this is
indeed a perverse use of our gift of language. In order to see such terminology
as the perversity it is, it may help to recall our thought experiment with drug
treated infants and to observe that the short term "psychiatric improvement" is
correlated with long term personality deterioration.
D. Conclusions from the Soteria and Säter studies
We saw that the non-drug patients soon surpassed the drug patients even by
psychiatric criteria. If we had had measures for creativity, playfulness,
lovability, sensitivity, spirituality, self-realization, self-transcendence,
and so on, we cannot doubt, knowing what neuroleptic drugs do to a person, that
the non-drug subjects would have stood out as far superior.
Another immeasurable benefit, and the most important one for the future
life of the non-drug subjects is, first, that their brains and minds have not
already been drug damaged, and second, that they have not developed a drug
dependence that would mean accumulating brain damage with time. Remember that
these are young persons with an expected remaining life time (without drugs) of
some 40-50 years.
Why the amateurs were better. – The drug psychiatrists have had 30 years
and thousands of centers in which to perfect their methods. And here we see
these people in San Francisco and at Säter without previous psychiatric
training. Working under difficult circumstances they beat the results of
established psychiatry. How could the amateurs beat the professionals right
away? There are two obvious reasons: The amateurs had more love. The
professionals came with a poisoned team.
Only a beginning. – At Soteria and in Sandin's Säter ward, the patients
got the kind of human reception that the problems of schizophrenia require,
instead of a false medical response. Those results are only a beginning, a
pointer in the right direction. The therapists at Soteria and Säter know better
than anybody else that under better conditions, with more knowledge and support,
they and their patients could have done much better still.
Our standard should be – not the dismal results of drug psychiatry – but
the possible. Therefore the goal must be that every young schizophrenic person
shall overcome his crisis and go on to fulfill the promises and possibilities of
his life, in much the same imperfect way as the rest of us.
Nothing could help us more to approach that goal than a ban of neuroleptic
drugs. Nothing except a ban of the attitudes to human problems and human
beings that these drugs express and help perpetuate. The former is feasible, the
latter is not. The former can be done by means of laws, if the political will
In Part III of the paper, we will return to the subject of desirable legal
changes. But before that, in Part II, we shall look more at how the drugs act in
the brain, and thereby further illustrate and support the first and the second
of the three initial statements.
Targets of neuroleptic drugs
Neuroleptic drugs act by blocking the receptors for dopamine. Dopamine is a
transmitter of nerve impulses (Figure 3A). Signal transmission by means of
dopamine is important in three major brain systems. These three brain systems
are thus major targets of neuroleptic drugs:
The limbo-frontal complex. – In addition, there are dopamine receptors
in the frontal lobe (prefrontal cortex), although their density is not as high
as in some parts of the limbic system and in the other two above-mentioned
systems. They may, of course, still be critically important.
Because of the close limbo-frontal relationship, and because mental processes
have both an emotional aspect, more attributable to the limbic system, and an
intellectual aspect, more attributable to the prefrontal cortex, it may in the
present context be appropriate to talk of a limbo-frontal functional complex. As
we shall soon see, the integrity of the limbo-frontal complex is essential for
high level human functioning, for insight and creativity. Neuroleptic drugs, by
blocking dopamine signal transmission, cause a serious disturbance in the
limbo-frontal complex.
How neuroleptic drugs act at the receptor level
When receptors for dopamine are blocked by the drug, the result is that
transmission of signals across nerve junctions (synapses) using dopamine is cut
down (Figure 3B). But the nerve cells fight back and form new receptors (1) to
make up for the blocked ones (Figure 3C and 3D). The natural, original receptors
represent information (sense, signal, order). The new receptors introduce a
higher ratio of nonsense, noise or disorder in the system (Figure 3).
Figure 3A: When the electrical signal arrives at the nerve terminal, DA molecules
are released. They bind to DA receptors on the second nerve cell. Thereby signal
is transmitted from the first to the second nerve cell. Figure 3B: Neuroleptic drug molecules block DA receptors. The signal is reduced. Figure 3C: New DA receptors are formed. The new receptors, to a higher degree than the natural ones, represent noise or nonsense. The signal may still be reduced below normal level, but the ratio S/N has deteriorated, i.e. more noise relative to signal. Figure 3D: Drug discontinued. The new receptors remain (although they may decrease with time). End results: Higher signal. Higher noise. Deteriorated S/N. |
Figure 3: Effect of neuroleptic drugs in a synapse that uses dopamine (DA) as transmitter. The drug molecules block DA receptors and stimulate formation of new receptors. |
S/N deterioration. – While the patient is on the drug, he has a reduced
level of signals, and as a second effect, relatively more noise in the the
system than normal, because of the newly formed receptors. Initially the first
effect dominates (Figure 3B), later on the second effect becomes more and more
important (Figure 3C). When and if the drug is discontinued, the end result is
an elevated level of signals and still more noise in the system (Figure 3D).
If we adopt the terminology used for electronic equipment, such as home stereo
music systems, we can say that the drug converts a high-fidelity system into a
low-fidelity system. On the drug, the music level is reduced and there is
relatively more noise than before (= low volume and low fidelity). Off the drug,
the music level is higher than normal, but the noise is even more exaggerated
than the music (= high volume and low fidelity).
Effects of neuroleptic drugs at higher levels of brain organization
We can best observe the effects of the drugs at the lowest level, the molecular
level (because quantities of dopamine, dopamine receptors, etc., can be measured
in a test tube), and at the highest level, the level of experience and behaviour.
We have much less knowledge of the drug effects on other levels of brain
organization. However, theoretical reasons are convincing evidence that the
lasting drug effects on all levels of brain organization can be summarized by
the formula: deteriorated S/N (signal/noise, sense/nonsense).
Motor disorders. – If we look for outward manifestations of this
deterioration in the brain system for motor coordination, we find them as the
various motor disorders caused by the neuroleptic drugs, e.g., Parkinsonism,
Akathisia and Tardive Dyskinesia. These ugly, inefficient, painfully purposeless
movement patterns have replaced the finely tuned, graceful and efficient body
movements of the same person before the drug.
Mental disorders. – Earlier on, we observed that the various motor
disorders, serious as they are in themselves, represent only the visible tip of
an iceberg of mostly invisible brain damages. The corresponding drug induced
disorders in the limbic system and the limbo-frontal complex are underestimated
for at least two reasons:
The blindness of psychiatry to the evil effects
of its own deeds is as blatant as it is tragic and cruel.
The outer man as an image of the inner man. – The motor disorders caused
by neuroleptic drugs are thus also important as a concrete illustration of the
consequences when a dopamine dependent brain system is exposed to a neuroleptic
drug. We can see the outer man as an image of the inner man.
With this illustration in mind, i.e., the picture of people with
Parkinsonism, Akathisia, Tardive Dyskinesia, let us now look at the main and
intended target of neuroleptic drugs, the dopamine brain system that is most
essential for mental functions, the limbic system.
The limbic system
The limbic system is closely tied together through reciprocal connections with
the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is the center for man's highest
conative and cognitive functions: will, insight, foresight, etc.
Schizophrenia treatment: old and new.– The old surgical treatment for
schizophrenia involved cutting off connections between the frontal lobe and the
limbic system. The new treatment with drugs instead of brain surgery, similarly
has the limbo-frontal complex as its target and blocks nerve transmission by
chemical instead of physical means.
Fronto-limbic complementarity. – The limbic system is the center for
emotions, for regulation and contact with the inner environment of the body, for
sexual functions and so on. While the prefrontal cortex stands mainly for a
verbal and intellectual aspect, the limbic system contributes an intuitive,
emotional, nonverbal dimension to mental processes.
Some remarks and observations by leading neurophysiologists can help us to
appreciate the role of the limbic system. Paul D. MacLean, who some thirty years
ago distinguished and named the limbic system, writes these words in a more
recent paper (1973):
"...the prefrontal cortex provides foresight in planning for ourselves and others.., it might receive part of its insight – the capacity 'to see with feeling' – through its connections with the limbic brain.., such connections may account for a bond between visual and visceral experience which appears to be essential for effective identification with what is visually remembered." (5)
In a paper with the title The problem of the frontal lobe, Walle J.H. Nauta (1971) writes:
"It is tempting to speculate that the reciprocal fronto-limbic relationship could be centrally involved in the phenomenon of behavioural anticipation... The normal individual decides upon a particular course of action by a thought process in which a larger or smaller number of strategic alternatives are compared. It could be suggested – admittedly on purely introspective grounds – that the comparison in the final analysis is one between the affective responses evoked by each of the various alternatives... The incorporation of an introceptive, intuitive element in decision-making, earlier suggested by Henri Bergson (for example, Chapter 2 of L'Évolution Créatrice)... is expressed in a variety of idioms ("the mere thought of doing such a thing makes me ill")." (6)
Ability to identify with. – Against this background, it can well be understood that an effect of neuroleptic drugs in the limbic system and the limbo-frontal complex, is that the person loses his inspiration, his passions, his motivations, because he loses his ability to identify with himself, with others, and with the rest of the perceived and remembered world. It is this drug effect that people on the drugs try to explain, when they say:
"I am a living dead. I am a zombie. I am an automaton. I have lost my taste, my reflexes... I cannot read a book, not even watch TV. I have no memory..,"
All these are, of course, natural complaints from
a person with a crippled limbic system.
These complaints from the neuroleptic drug victims are heartbreaking. Doubly
heartbreaking because they receive no understanding from the drug psychiatrist
in whose objective mind they do not even seem to register. And because they are
so muted, since the drug has taken away the very ability to protest, to care,
and even to understand what has happened.
Integrative action of mind. – The close interplay between the prefrontal
cortex and the limbic system is thus necessary for the highest functions, the
integrative action of the mind, for achieving personal unity, interpersonal
community and understanding on ever higher levels.
Without an intact limbo-frontal complex, it is impossible to overcome
schizophrenia. It must be emphasized that the only possible way out of
schizophrenia is forward. Returning to the naivety of previous repressions is
impossible. All the sufferings, and everything experienced through the psychotic
breakdowns and expansions of consciousness, must be integrated in a further
evolved organization of the personality. It is a creative endeavour that depends
on the full faculty of a person's mind.
"Anti-psychotic" drugs: a misleading term
The neuroleptic effect. – Initially the main effect of of neuroleptic
drugs, as we have seen above, is a reduction of the signal level in dopamine
brain systems (Figure 3A). "Optimal neuroleptization," it is said, means that
70% of the patient's dopamine receptors are blocked by the drug. One clinical
manifestation of this reduced signal level is that the patients become "quiet,
less active, and more or less indifferent to experiences and situations which
had previously made them very emotional". As the patient loses his passions, his
inspirations and his ability to care, troublesome behaviours are reduced, as
well as all other kinds of self-assertiveness and spontaneity. The
anti-psychotic effect is thus only a small aspect of this general neuroleptic
"Neuroleptic" is the original term that was used by the French workers who
introduced the first drug of this class, chlorpromazine, in the early 1950's.
The French workers observed the drug effects with more naive and honest eyes
than most later psychiatrists. The saw clearly that the drugs cause a general
apathy and indifference. They used the Greek work leptos, which means small,
attenuated, to coin the term "neuroleptic", thus meaning reduced nervous or
mental energy.
The anti-psychotic effect is only one small aspect of the actions of
these drugs because:
1. The reduction of psychotic symptoms is just
one of many consequences of the general neuroleptic, i.e., the anti-limbic and
anti-limbofrontal, effect.
2. The drugs have equally drastic effects on other dopamine-dependent brain
systems, e.g., the one for motor coordination and the one for hormone control.
3. The reduced signal level is only the first effect of the drug (Figure 3B). A
second effect, which becomes more and more important with time, is increased
noise, i.e., disturbed signal transmission (Figure 3C & D). A third effect,
higher than normal signal level directly opposite to the originally intended
one, appears when the drug is discontinued (Figure 3D). The latter two effects
mean that the patient has become more psychotic or psychosis-prone because of
the drug.
Amphetamine and related drugs also have
the dopamine synapse as their target. The effect of such drugs is opposite to
the initial effect of neuroleptic drugs. Amphetamine increases psychotic
symptoms and can cause psychosis. These agents increase signal transmission,
probably by releasing dopamine.
In general terms, the effect of amphetamine is thus: increased signal level and
a deteriorated S/N. The latter is due to noise (nonsense) that increases even
more than the signal (sense) transmission. The lasting effect of neuroleptic
drugs is thus similar to chronic intake of amphetamine. This is the opposite of
what a psychosis prone person needs.
While the initial effect on signal level is opposite for amphetamine and
neuroleptic drugs, they both have the common effect of increasing noise
(nonsense, disorder) in the system.
The term "anti-psychotic" is misleading for the following reasons:
1. The drugs have no specific effect on psychosis
or psychotic symptoms. Only because of a general indifference and apathy are
psychotic symptoms, or at least their overt and active expressions, reduced in
many patients.
2. The drugs elicit or aggravate hallucinations and delusions as an acute
effect in many patients. This is often overlooked by the psychiatrist. He
rarely knows the patient well enough to realize that, even though the latter is
now perhaps more quiet, less excited and less aggressive, at the same time he
has more and worse delusions and he suffers more helplessly from terrifying
hallucinations. Possibly this acute worsening of the psychosis is due to the
newly formed dopamine receptors (Figure 3C), to the noise, the disturbing
nonsense, that the drug causes in the brain. The power of the word is such that
the doctor as a rule does not even think of the possibility that the drug is now
causing the patient's worsening psychosis. Instead of taking away the drug, he
increases the dose of the "anti-psychotic" medication. At some high drug level,
even the psychotic symptoms caused by the drug may be finally suppressed.
3. The drugs induce specific and lasting changes in the limbic system and the
frontal lobe that make a person more psychosis prone. The drug makes the patient
more and more psychotic, which makes it more and more difficult to do without
the "anti-psychotic" drug. This is the pharmacological mechanism in the
neuroleptic trap described in Part I of this paper.
Alternative terms. – The name
"anti-psychotic" has a hypnotic effect, blinding doctors to what the drugs are
really doing with the patients. The term "neuroleptic" correctly suggests one of
the many effects of the drugs. More cannot be asked of a name. The term
"anti-psychotic" is a falsehood. Of the two common names for this class of drugs
(the blockers of dopamine receptors), only one can be allowed among honest
Creativity, insight, and the limbic system
Shortly before coming down to Copenhagen for this conference, I had a phone
conversation with a woman who some years ago was seriously schizophrenic. She
talked to me about insight, what happens in her body when she has a new idea.
Rollo May on creativity. – She related Rollo May's account in his book
The Courage to Create. Rollo May (1975) (7) writes about the intensity of
encounter (cf. above: "ability to identify with") as a necessary element of the
creative act – absorption, being caught up in, wholly involved" – and describes
the neurological changes at such moments: "quickened heart beat, higher blood
pressure, increased intensity and constriction of vision..." The woman added:
"That agrees with my experience: vision is clearer, hearing better, memory
Rollo May continues: "we have the same picture as Walter B. Cannon described as
the 'flight-fight' mechanism, the energizing of the organism for fighting or
fleeing. This is the neurological correlate of what we find, in broad terms, in
anxiety and fear. But [what we feel in creative moments, moments of insight] is
not anxiety or fear. It is joy... joy that goes with heightened consciousness,
the mood that accompanies the actualizing of one's own potentialities."
Effect of neuroleptic drugs on high level human functioning. – This kind
of high level human functioning is destroyed by neuroleptic drugs through the
crippling of the fronto-limbic functional complex. The drugs take away the
ability to experience new insights and to achieve creative personal evolution.
The drugs take away the very powers needed to overcome schizophrenia. They
destroy the faculty that is distinctive of human beings, creativity, the basis
of what we value highest, freedom and self-transcendence.
Experience of neuroleptic drugs. – This woman had experienced neuroleptic drugs in high doses, but only for limited periods. She had been
rescued from the psychiatric system. Now I asked her about the drug effects, and
in a burst of passion she said (verbatim translated):
"All vital functions messed up. You are in a situation of immense anxiety, stress. Your body, your brain needs all resources to get some kind of grasp of who you are, what you do, that you exist. How can you do that work – get well, achieve balance and harmony – when a big part of your functions are gone? It is insane. A big part of your problem-solving ability is gone, when you need it most. Vital functions lost: fine coordination, seeing, hearing, thinking, feeling, getting distance, making distance, perspective... (And after a question from me about her suffering, she continued.) Suffering. What! Am I not a patient? That means suffering, passion, doesn't it? Suffering is being human, I want to have all those things that make me a human being. If being schizophrenic means being defective, you should not take away even more. Not make people handicapped. Teach them to live with their handicap instead..."
Convincing evidence. – We noted, in Part
I of the paper, that groups of schizophrenic patients in drug-free programs
after a few years were better, even by psychiatric criteria, than comparable
patients treated with drugs. More convincing still is the experience of knowing
someone like the woman in this telephone conversation.
If new knowledge is to be remembered and integrated into the personality, to
become a motivating force, more than intellectual understanding is required. It
requires also an intuitive experience of rightness. It requires a full
mind-body, a full fronto-limbic experience.
That is why I appealed to the reader's intuitive understanding of children, to
his or her understanding of the necessary conditions for a child to grow towards
that which a child is meant to become. Neuroleptic drugs – no matter how
medically effective against symptoms – take away a sine qua non for human
growth, for "évolution créatrice".
Knowing someone. – That is also why knowing someone like the person we are now
talking with is more convincing than reading data from the Soteria and Säter
studies. She is now 27 years old. Four to seven years ago she met, not only one,
but most or all of Schneider's first rank diagnostic criteria of schizophrenia.
By psychiatric opinion she was in absolute need of neuroleptic drugs and had a
most pessimistic prognosis. She displayed at various times all hebephrenic and
catatonic symptoms.
If she had not been saved from neuroleptic drugs, we know that she could never
have become the alive, competent and creative person that she is today.
In addition, she is now a well-functioning, breast-feeding mother – happy,
loving, sensitive, playful. Clearly, the bodily and emotional adaptations
necessary for pregnancy, birth and motherhood require a good limbic system.
In other words, just as the neuroleptic drugs would have destroyed her mental
and artistic creativity, they would have deprived her of the specific female
creativity required for nurturing her child.
The true task of science is to show us how that which we thought impossible is
possible. To give hope. Faced with schizophrenia, its greatest challenge,
psychiatry is doing the opposite.
The young person in acute schizophrenia has been in the focus of this paper. One
reason is that acute schizophrenia is the cardinal indication for neuroleptic
drugs, and that psychiatrists would generally agree that if the drugs are not
good for people with schizophrenia, they are not good for anybody.
We have seen that neuroleptic drugs destroy something that is hard to measure
and yet is the very thing that makes humans human and human life worth living.
Two other big groups of people who receive neuroleptic drugs were mentioned in
the introduction. The potential of, say, a "mentally handicapped" child or of an
old and sometimes confused person may not be great by worldly criteria, in
comparison with, say, a young schizophrenic person, such as the woman we talked
with on a previous page. But our society is committed to rejection of such
criteria as ultimate measures of human worth, and to protection of the right of
every individual to life and self-realization.
Therefore gross hypocrisy is revealed when, through our institutions, these poor
ones are cared for in the physical sense, while their essential humanness is
destroyed by the drugs.
Neuroleptic drugs in homes for "mentally handicapped" and for old people
It is an abomination when a doctor visits a home for "retarded", "feeble-minded"
people and prescribes neuroleptic drugs wholesale to those who are reported to
be "agitated", "restless", "difficult" and so on. And when he continues to the
old people's home to distribute the same neuroleptic panacea, here justified by
diagnoses such as "senile confusion" and "negativism". As long as the
neuroleptic regime lasts, these institutions deserve the inscription: 'All you
who enter here, abandon hope'. The Nazis killed their useless people. We let the
bodies live, while we kill the souls.
A doctor in this kind of situation should recall that medical ethics, if not his
own conscience, forbid him to prescribe any medical treatment that is not in the
patient's own best interest, and demand that he respect the patient's autonomy.
From this follows that, if neuroleptic drugs or other heavy mind medications are
ever to be given to children (incompetent persons of any age), the final say and
the evaluation of the effect should always rest with somebody who loves, cares
for, and fully identifies with the child.
The neuroleptic drug phenomenon reveals a racist and fascist element in our
society. It is contrary to Christian values that emphasize love – Be your
brother's keeper; Love thy neighbour as thyself; What you did to one of the
least of these my brethren, you did to me – and the inner man as more important
than his outer aspect. It is equally contrary to humanistic and democratic
values that emphasize the autonomy, integrity, responsibility and value of the
Who shall control our brains?
People know with their guts and spirit – remember what Nauta (6) said about the
limbic system – that the psychiatric view of a human being is limited and
incomplete. Therefore they should demand from their lawmakers laws that give
them full control and final say about alterations by drugs or other somatic
therapies in their own brains, or in the brains and minds of their near and dear
Today, if we dare ask the welfare state for even temporary help, relief, asylum,
for ourselves or for somebody we care about, and thus turn to a psychiatric or
related kind of medical institution, the fact is that – as a condition of help –
we have to give up control of what is done to the brain in our own or our loved
one's head. This is an intolerable condition of help. It must be reversed by
clear laws.
Crimes and tragedies in the history of psychiatry: past, present, and future(?)
A ban of neuroleptic drugs is the most direct and obvious conclusion from all
that has been said here. But clearly there are also other important legal
conclusions and lessons to be learned from the neuroleptic tragedy.
The history of psychiatry is frightening. It is easier to see the evil of past
therapeutic practices than to see the evil of today's methods. Few would now
deny that the lobotomies of large numbers of schizophrenic people 30-40 years
ago was a terrible thing. The neuroleptic drug tragedy, involving many more
people, is however a disaster unequalled in the history of psychiatry.
The chemical lobotomy by neuroleptic drugs has a cleaner appearance than
surgical lobotomy. Other drugs and somatic therapies that look even cleaner,
will be introduced in the future, e.g., neuroleptic type drugs that hit the
limbo-frontal complex more selectively, and therefore have "fewer side effects",
meaning less disturbance of motor coordination and of hormones – while they do
as much or more, i.e., catastrophic, harm to the inner man and to our essential
The medical profession, being able to see these dangers more clearly than
others, should be the first to warn and urge legal safeguards. For example, laws
of the following kinds appear necessary.
A legal right to drug-free care
The necessity of this legal right was shown above as we answered the question:
Who shall control our brains? and concluded that it is intolerable coercion when
people in distress are given help only on the condition that they accept mind-altering and brain-damaging drugs and other somatic brain intrusions.
We are talking here of a right that is a natural and self-evident consequence of
the value system of our society. Some examples have been given, and countless
tragic cases could be cited, that illustrate the need for legal protection of
this right.
When a patient has invoked this right, or when somebody who rightly represents
him has invoked it on his behalf, his position should be respected without
questions, in a fully sincere spirit and as a matter of course. In other words,
from then on the staff of the institution is to help him according to the best
of their abilities as if the drugs did not exist. They simply have one tool
Legal protection of committed persons against brain intrusions
More important and more fundamental than physical liberty is the right to
protection of one's mind and brain against unwanted chemical and physical
intrusions. Today any committed person loses this right.
It is intolerable that this right can be replaced by the whim of any physician,
who may order a brain or mind altering treatment that most of his colleagues
would not even consider, a treatment that may have gross consequences for the
future life of the patient.
Forced treatment must not be allowed automatically because a person is
committed. Because some people find that a person has to be locked up, this
person should not at the same time lose a right that is more important and more
fundamental than physical liberty.
A second legal step, more stringent and thorough than that required for
commitment, is necessary before the brain is allowed to be touched against a
person's will. It is an outrage that any committed person can be exposed to such
measures as ECT and neuroleptic drugs, e.g., in long-acting depot form, because
of one doctor's decision. If violations of personal integrity of a kind that is,
in principle, and very often in practice, more serious than imprisonment, is ever
to be allowed, it must first be established that "all reasonable men can agree
that the treatment is to the patient's benefit."
The medical profession – guided by the principle of informed consent, the
principle of autonomy and the principle that any medical treatment has to be in
the patient's own best interest – must insist that the court for such decisions
seeks the advice of someone who loves, cares for and identifies with the
patient. Nobody else is better fit to represent somebody who cannot represent
himself. If this person's verdict is a "No" to the treatment, the verdict of the
court must also be "No".
If patients are given this kind of legal protection and security – against, for
example, neuroleptic drug depot injections and electro-shock treatments – then
the bad reputation and the great fear of psychiatric clinics may begin to
disappear. Morals would rise. Psychiatry and psychiatrists would also greatly
Legal affirmation of the four conditions of forced treatment given by the
Declaration of Hawaii
The Declaration of Hawaii was adopted by the World Psychiatric Association at
its meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, 1977. The preamble of the declaration warns of
"the possibility of abuses of psychiatric concepts, knowledge, and technology in
actions contrary to the laws of humanity".
The declaration gives four conditions, all of which must be met before any
forced treatment = "treatment given against or independent of a patient's own
1. The treatment is "done in the patient's best interests".
2. The treatment is "limited to a reasonable period of time."
3. "A retroactive informed consent can be presumed".
4. "Whenever possible, consent has been obtained from someone close to the
These rules are in fact unknown or ignored by many psychiatrists. Forced
treatment is therefore very often executed in violation of them. Clearly, it is
important that these conditions become well known not only by psychiatrists, but
also by patients and all psychiatric personnel. Other speakers at this
conference have emphasized that international ethical conventions and
declarations should be incorporated in national laws. That seems particularly
urgent in the case of these conditions for forced psychiatric treatment.
If, despite the best will and effort of those responsible, a forced treatment
has been given in violation of the patient's true inner will, the ethical evil
and the mental harm to the wronged patient will be less, if the latter can see
that a full sincere effort was made to respect him, if he can see that the
desire to respect him was paramount.
For this reason, the law should require a prior written document showing the
reasoning – of the physician and the staff, and of the court, the need for which
was noted above – behind the decision to give "treatment against or independent
of the patient's will". The document should, of course, be specific as to why
each of the four conditions was deemed to be fulfilled.
In order to avoid future mistakes in the care of this same person and of other
patients, it should be of the greatest interest to have later the patient's
comment. This important retrospective evaluation should be obtained through a
person who has the patient's trust and who was not one of those responsible for
the decision.
If a retroactive consent is not obtained, that means that the decision was a
mistake. On the other hand, a retroactive consent does not prove that the
treatment was legitimate, since the will of the patient may have been crushed.
Obviously patients very dependent on the care-giving institution and with a
limbic system crippled by neuroleptic drugs are most susceptible to brain
A legal ban of all neuroleptic drugs
The argument for this law is that the harm of neuroleptic drugs far outweighs
any benefits, and that the present intolerable situation cannot be corrected
soon enough by other means.
Psychiatric opinion holds that neuroleptic drugs are most clearly indicated in
acute schizophrenia, and that other uses are more questionable. For example, it
is warned that these drugs are "too potent" and "too unsafe" for "trivial" uses.
In Sweden about 1,000 people get the diagnosis schizophrenia each year, while
about 100,000 persons get neuroleptic drugs on any one day. The indication
acute schizophrenia thus accounts for no more then one or a few per cent (say,
0.5 - 2 %, depending on definitions) of the total consumption.
We have seen reasons why neuroleptic drugs are particularly harmful and
dangerous when given to a young person in acute schizophrenic crisis.
Psychiatrists would generally agree that if neuroleptic drugs are not good for
schizophrenic people, they are not good for anybody.
From the three initial statements of this paper, taken together, it follows that
neuroleptic drugs are indeed bad for schizophrenic people. These statements have
been supported by the evidence and arguments given in the rest of the paper. It
then also follows that the drugs are bad for other people. Accordingly, neuroleptic drugs should be banned.
The residual discussion as to whether there may be some legitimate uses of
neuroleptic drugs that would warrant a consumption in the vicinity of 0% of
today's level, is irrelevant in this context. It should not be allowed to cloud
the main issue and to delay the political decision.
No doubt the resistance of the psychiatric system to the needed change will be
enormous. Psychiatrists will lose their most efficient system for management and
control. Those who are motivated more by desire for prestige and power then for
truth and the well-being of patients and society, will resist the change. But,
deep in their minds, perhaps even they will be relieved. An experienced
psychiatrist, on the threshold of retirement warned: "But Lars, you have to
remember: then everything they have done all their life is wrong" and "it is a
system that works".
The psychiatric profession is in a dilemma. We are reminded of the truth that
what is really blameworthy is not one's past errors, but rather one's refusal to
face them and learn from them. We see that, when it comes to the most serious
things, we are more willing to forgive others than ourselves. We see that
forgiveness, and first of all self-forgiveness, is a liberating virtue.
Psychiatrists as a group are not more mature in this respect than others. They
need outside help to kick the destructive drug habit. Many of them will welcome
such help, if only silently.
The answer to our question is: Yes, neuroleptic drugs should be banned. The next
question is: Do we have the moral will and courage to eliminate an element in
society that is contrary to our highest values? If so, the evil of neuroleptic
drugs shall be eliminated by forceful political action.
When we look at other times and cultures, we see clearly that momentous evils
were covered up or justified, considered "necessary", in the name of the
reigning religion or other totalitarian ideology. The neuroleptic drug
phenomenon shows that the same is true in our own society.
We still hope that our "religion" is different, because humanism – science
democracy is, in principle, self-critical, self-corrective, self-reflective in
accordance with the structure of man's highest mind, which – thanks to its selfreflexive structure (?)
– is free, creative, responsible and without set
We hope, but today as always, it takes courage and action to make of hope a new
The tools of psychopharmacology are as great a threat to the inner man, as the
tools of war to the outer man. Scientists and physicians should be sobered by
seeing their responsibility for this evil.
Almost thirty years ago Michael Polanyi (1957) wrote an article in Science
(8) with the title Scientific Outlook: Its Sickness and Cure, and he said:
"Today... the power exercised previously by theology has passed over to science;
hence science has become in its turn the greatest single source of error...
I am convinced that the abuses of the scientific method must be checked, both in
the interests of other human ideals which they threaten and in the interest of
science itself, which is menaced by self-destruction, unless it can be attuned
to the whole range of human thought."
Innumerable scientific studies show that neuroleptic drugs are effective in
reducing psychotic symptoms. Such studies typically extend over two years at
most. In every respect, thus also with respect to time, such studies take only a
small fraction or aspect of the patient's life into account. We have seen, for
example, that the short term psychiatric "improvement" may be correlated with
long term personality deterioration.
The ratings and measurements of psychiatry have their uses. But when these
partial truths are allowed to stand for the whole truth, the result is evil.
Truer measures of human beings are those in the eyes of another of his kind who
sees him and loves him; and those of his own hopes and dreams. Psychiatry has
not understood this moral imperative. It has become therefore a tragic and cruel
mismeasure of man.
It seems fitting to conclude this paper, at a conference on laws and legal
institutions in relation to psychiatry, with a quote by Charles Darwin that
appears on the first page of a book by Stephen Jay Gould (1981) (9) with the
title you just heard, The Mismeasure of Man:
"If the misery of our poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin."
Footnote –
On the evidence that neuroleptic drugs cause proliferation of
dopamine receptors:
Brains from animals that have received neuroleptic drugs contain elevated
numbers of dopamine receptors. Brains from schizophrenic persons who have
received neuroleptic drugs contain about twice as many dopamine receptors as
brains from normal persons. This is true both in the limbic system and in the
system for motor control. References in Mackay (1982) (10).
1. Day, M. and Semrad, E.R.:
Schizophrenic reactions. In Nicholi A.M. Ed., The Harvard Guide to Modern
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2. Leff, J.P.:
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3. Matthews, S.M., Roper, M.T., Mosher, L.R. and Menn, A.Z.:
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postdischarge risk of relapse. Schizophr Bull 5:322-333, 1979.
4. Sjöström, R.:
Psykoterapi vid schizofreni – en retrospektiv studie (Psychotherapy in
Schizophrenia – a retrospective study), Läkartidningen (J of the Swedish Medical
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5. MacLean, P.D.: -
A Triune Concept of the Brain and Behaviour, 58-59, Toronto and Buffalo
University of Toronto Press, 1973.
6. Nauta, W.J.H.:
The Problem of the Frontal Lobe: A reinterpretation, p. 183. J Psychiat Res 8:
167-187, 1971.
7. May, R.:
The Courage to Create, pp. 44-45, Toronto, New York, London and Sydney: Bantam
Books, paperback, 1976. (Original hardcover edition, New York and London: W.W.
Norton & Co., 1975).
8. Polanyi, M.:
Scientific Outlook: Its sickness and cure. Science 125: 480-484, 1957.
9. Gould, S.J.:
The Mismeasure of Man. New York and London: W.W. Norton & Co., 1981.
10. Mackay, A.V.P., Iversen, L.L., Rossor, M., Spokes, E., Bird, E., Arregui,
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After completing this paper, the author found two reports by psychiatrists who
have arrived at similar conclusions and who both reject neuroleptic drugs. One
is a brief paper by a British psychiatrist with "57 years" of experience. The
other is a book by an American psychiatrist. It is clear the the three of us
have arrived at similar conclusions
independently of each other.
Bierer, J.
Medicine or "Manslaughter". Int J Soc Psychiatry, 29:247-248, 1983.
Breggin, P.R.
Psychiatric Drugs: Hazards to the Brain. New York, Springer Publishing Company,
© 1985: Lars Martensson. All rights to reprint and use this paper are reserved by the author.
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