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Love, Hope & Brain 

Lars Martensson, M.D.,
on Brain & Mind, Schizophrenia,
and Neuroleptic (Anti-psychotic) Drugs

"Let's start with the problem, not with the system."

Email to Lars Martensson, May 2004

"The antipsychotics rendered an experience which was rich in brightness and depth first into one of terror and helplessness and finally into a blunted and empty state.

I had been learning and growing from my unusual experiences. I was cherishing experiences of peace and cosmic unity and also the pain, purging, fear and growth typical of spiritual emergences. I was visited often by what seem to be other entities. They appeared to me aurally; as physical sensations (warmth, caresses); as presences not detected by my five senses but still somehow present, and as beings guiding my thoughts. The experiences were just coming to what felt like their full potential when they were mangled by the biopsychiatric mental illness model.

My mind was quite active before I was drugged. Now my thoughts wander and are trifling. I used to be content, enrapt, walking down the lane enjoying the flowers and trees. Now i walk the same lane and feel nothing. The spirit visitations provided me with much food for thought. I examined my ethics and behavior. I listened to the spirits' perspectives on many aspects of life. My imagination blossomed and I was filled with fantasy that was both enjoyable and scary and that could be turned into stories. Best of all I was re-awakening to the wonder, awe, and beauty of each moment of each day."

– Printed with permission, name withheld by request    

Lars Martensson, 2002
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"Love, Hope and Brain Science. What does Love and Hope have to do with Brain Science? Simply, that a human mind, a human consciousness, cannot arise and cannot exist without Love and Hope. Therefore a science of the human brain ..."

This is a very brief and simple introduction and explanation of the author's views (of psychosis, of the brain/mind problem, and of neuroleptic drugs).
Start by reading this brief introduction and then,
for a deeper explanation of psychosis and the brain/mind problem, read Brain/Mind & Schizophrenia (1989) and
for a deeper critique of neuroleptic (anti-psychotic) drugs, read Should Neuroleptic Drugs Be Banned? (1985).


"What is a human being? We associate the concept of a human being with our highest values: Freedom, Love, Creativity, Insight, and Understanding. When we are free, when we love, when we create, when we have insight and understanding, we feel alive and our life has meaning. Only then are we really human ... Let us look at the human brain (Fig 1) ..."

This paper is based on a public lecture. It is an overview of the author's views of the highest functions of the human brain, of psychosis, of schizophrenia. It is longer and includes more illustrations than the previous paper.
You will meet Hebriana 
and learn how she overcame her schizophrenia


Looking back 20 years.
Article in the DAGENS NYHETER, the leading Swedish daily newspaper, March 25th, 1990, with the question Who Killed McMurphy?

"The patients become quiet and passive. In psychiatry this is referred to as "improvement". But in effect the apathy of the patients simply reflects the fact that higher brain functions have been more or less paralyzed. When the inner life of a person is destroyed with neuroleptic drugs his or her development deteriorates. Life as a whole becomes wasted."

"The problems of schizophrenia, consciousness, and the frontal lobe are often characterized as riddles. These riddles may have a common solution. The present paper describes consciousness as a function and schizophrenia as a malfunction of the frontal lobe (the prefrontal system)."

This is the most important paper. It is the result of a decade of focused effort to understand the problems of brain and mind and of schizophrenia. You should probably read Love, Hope & Brain Science, 2004, or Love, Hope & Brain Science, 1997, and Overcoming Psychosis, 1989, before this paper, which is much more demanding.

"Next day Eva called me again: "It worked! Perfectly! I lay down and felt your hand. And I talked to you about what I saw. I got a distance. As soon as I had some distance I could make it bigger. I fell asleep and slept like a drunk for ten hours".
"An important thing was that I did not try to stop the film, that I saw it as inevitable".
This comment by Eva reflected my instruction that she must not interfere or worry about what happens on the screen. Her responsibility was to describe it in detail.
Eva continued: "When I woke up I went out. All of a sudden I was full of joy. I knew that now everything was as it should. All danger was gone. The sun was shining.""

You will meet three people who tell us about their experience of overcoming schizophrenia.
Read this paper as an introduction and illustration to Brain/Mind & Schizophrenia.

"The drugs have promoted a false definition of schizophrenia as a medical problem with a medical solution. They have prevented us from taking our responsibility. As a consequence, people with schizophrenia have been abandoned. That is the real cause of their tragedy. If they had not been abandoned, most of these young and often gifted people would have been able, like the rest of us, to realize many of the promises and possibilities of their lives."

This is a detailed critique of neuroleptic (anti-psychotic) drugs. The arguments are as valid and relevant today, almost 20 years later.

With a comment about what the Publication History may reveal about the nature of psychiatry as a scientific discipline and as a branch of medicine.  

Here you can read a number of articles about Neuroleptic Drugs and Schizophrenia published on the Op-Ed page of the leading Swedish daily the DAGENS NYHETER.

Här kan du läsa artiklar om neuroleptika och schizofreni publicerade på DN debatt 1985-1990.

Click here for
 Schizophrenia Treatment Without Antipsychotic Drugs

where you can read papers by Loren R. Mosher, M.D.,
former Chief of the Center for Studies of Schizophrenia,
National Institutes of Mental Health.

Lars Martensson, M.D. 
Email:  larsmartensson
Revised  April 18, 2022


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